XXX Meeting
30th June - 1st July 2022



Since 1992, the Meeting of the Economics of Education Association has been held annually under the direction of the Economics of Education Association (AEDE). In 2022, its 30th edition, this Meeting will be held again on Oporto (Portugal), specifically at the ISAG-European Business School.

The Meeting will include -among others- spaces for reflection and debate on the financing of education, its planning and management, problems of equity and efficiency, human capital and economic growth or indicators of educational quality. The XXX Meeting will feature renowned national and international experts who will approach the role of education in economic and social life from different points of view.

The academic interest of the meeting is joined by the commitment of the organizers in transferring to society and public managers the main reflections and results in education that are deduced from the communications and debates of the parallel sessions. Our final objective is to improve knowledge of education and to guide educational policies in all its areas.


Meeting registration

Registration for the Conference of the Association for the Economics of Education includes attendance at the scientific sections, conference materials, attendance certificate…



Send your applied or theoretical communications on any aspect related to the Economics of Education





Paper submission & program:

  • Opening of abstract & paper submission on website: 14th January, 2022
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 4th February, 2022
  • Abstract decision: 25th February, 2022
  • Deadline for full paper submission: 31st March, 2022
  • Paper decision: 6th May, 2022
  • Preliminary program publication: 26th May, 2022
  • Final program publication: 9th Juny, 2022


  • Opening of registration on website: 15th April, 2022
  • Deadline for registration at a reduced fee: 20th May, 2022
  • Registration deadline (for presenters): 9th June, 2022


  • Meeting: 30th June – 1st July, 2022